Sunday, December 28, 2008
new year to reflect, looming national day of bankruptcy
a) each dress, t-shirt, onesie
b) the thread on that dress (or clothing item) (although I don't know how that will work since the dresses come already manufactured as dresses.)
c) the tag that has already been sewn in the dress stating the fiber content and washing instructions d) each piece of fabric I applique onto the dress (don't forget at $70-$100 dollars per each different piece of fabric, I usually use three pieces) or use to make a stuffed animal (up to 8 different fabrics for stuffed animals plus the poly fill and embroidery thread)
e) the thread I use to stitch the applique or make a stuffed animal
The items that I purchase have been tested for lead or have no lead present to begin with. However, because I alter these items by printing on them or cutting them up (like with fabric to make stuffed animals or appliques) I have now, under the law, become a manufacture. Because I do not actually manufacture the clothing items, inks or fabric I use, I have no way of knowing if all these items came from one or many batches, that is why I have to test every single component.
That means a dress I have been selling for $20 will now cost me $490-$700 to test. If you have seen any of my dresses, I like to make each design one of a kind. The testing process destroys the item that is being tested. Stuffed animals I sell from $20-$35 will now be $1000, again destroyed in the testing process.
My question is, why are we putting lead into children's products in the first place? Why are the large manufactures not testing before selling to the public? Why is the burden being placed on the crafter who is only altering the items by cutting and sewing? Why are we forced to test items like cotton that obviously have no lead present?
I urge everyone to read about this. It not only effects me as a small business owner, but also charity organizations. We will no longer be able to donate handmade quilts to our local hospitals, no longer be able to donate childrens clothing or toys to local thrift stores, or shop from these stores for items for children under 12, no longer donate coats or shoes to needy children. Also, testing becomes too high for companies making items used in schools such as microscopes. What about your child's sports uniform? That will have to be tested. Children's books? Those too. A bike or tricycle? Yes. Big manufacturing companies can afford to test. Small independent businesses and crafters can not. Please click on the "save handmade" button on the right and/or explore these links for more info.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
v.lou textiles in Piper and Chloe Holiday Showcase

a) been in
b) been to
These guys did such a great job with everything! I sincerely hope they raked it in because they really worked hard to make it look so good. Thanks guys for including me.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
v.lou textiles at the Women's Art Center Holiday Bazaar

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Piper and Chloe Holiday Showcase

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Finally v.lou textiles can be found online

I have just signed on to do the Bird in Hand holiday bazaar for the Women's Art Center. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm not going to do any of the children's items, only bags and pillows. It coincides with a gallery stroll so hopefully *fingers crossed* it will be a lucrative event. It takes place Friday, November 21 6pm - 10pm, which is the gallery stroll night, and Saturday, November 22 9am - 2pm at the Women's Art Center located at 345 Pierpont Ave. SLC. I have to sit with my booth on Friday, so come say hi! I hope to see you there!
Friday, October 31, 2008
featured in your heart out blog! or go to my etsy shop where it is available for purchase. I don't know why I've not noticed this before but, that is not the best picture is it? It looks blurry. I will have to fix that because that is not a true representation of the pillow. Next time I will use my tripod to take the photo!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
DIY lightbox

Sunday, October 26, 2008
more live model poses

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Hiking in Salt Lake and the bad air quality

Monday, October 20, 2008
what a difference a week makes!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More things for my etsy store

Sunday, October 12, 2008
It snowed and I wasn't prepared.

Monday, October 6, 2008
v.lou textiles screen printed onesies online!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
v.lou textiles new website?

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Some stuff!

I just finished an order for Babinskis and will be delivering it this afternoon. I added a couple of new animals to the mix this time. Go in and check them out!
Monday, September 8, 2008
A day of rest, the calm before the storm?
Close inspection of mutant cucumbers growing in my garden or:
Teeny tiny moments of meditation or:
My cat looks like a drunk loaf of bread or:
Yes, I'm obsessed with this animal.
In reality, I WILL be showing more of those types of pictures but, also I will be showing lots of these types of pictures too:
These are the stuffed animals I made for the Salt Lake Avenues Street Fair last weekend. I'm pleased to say that quite a few of them found nice homes.
Yes, the frenzy has died down considerably and I'm hoping to really dive into some projects I have been tinkering with this summer but haven't had a lot of time to perfect due to time constraints with the market. I have ideas for kids sweatshirts and skirts, pants, dresses, pillows and I want to make some more bags for sure. Right now my first priority is to get my shopping cart up and running on my website. So stay tuned. Hopefully this is only the calm before the storm!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Finally! Some pictures from the market

This is the front corner. My sweet little mannequins. They help a lot don't you think? I was really excited when someone lent them to me for the summer. I was having a hard time finding any mannequins locally, and online they are expensive.
And last but not least, I have some cute shelves to show off my hand screen printed hand sewn pillows and handmade stuffed animals.
I can't believe there are only four more markets left. For me anyway. The market actually runs through the end of September but I'm only going until September 7th. I'm trying to get into the Salt Lake Downtown Farmers' Market. If they have any open spaces, they might be able to squeeze me in. I'm hoping it works out.
Monday, July 14, 2008
My Apologies, it won't happen again
Monday, July 7, 2008
Park Silly Sunday Market and Access Hollywood

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Bubble and Bee, my favorite!

Friday, June 27, 2008
v.lou textiles onesies in a blog

On the blog note, I must digress a little from the positive and say something that has been troubling me a little. Well acutally a lot. I love seeing v.lou textiles starting to creep out into the world. I love seeing my labor of love showing up in the community. It's what I've been dreaming about for a couple of years now. I know that doing applique onesie's isn't re-inventing the wheel. It's not a new technique that I discovered myself. I realize this. I do. But what I do think is unique about my product is the fabric that I choose, the way I put things together. I try really hard to have a unique style in the world of over saturated baby items. Well, last week a friend of mine went to the Salt Lake Farmers' Market and called me sort of upset. Apparently someone is there with a booth selling applique baby onesies and they look suspiciously similar in style to mine. And again, I realize that it's an applique. I didn't invent it, I know. But what is so similar is the style of the applique, the fabric all that stuff. So, I've been really upset about this. Why can't people get their own thing going? Why do you have to show up at the Farmers' Market, where I did so well last year and sell what I was selling? Then to make matters worse, Sunday while I was manning my booth at the Park Silly Sunday Market in Park City, Utah, I had a couple of people ask if I was at the Salt Lake market or that my stuff was "like that booth at the Salt Lake market"!!!! I am going to go to the market tomorrow and see for myself. I'm half thinking that maybe I shouldn't because I don't know... what can I do? What should I say if anything? So I guess I will keep you posted. The market is tomorrow. Oh, and sorry for the non-use of paragraphs here. I was on a roll!'s the next day. I went to the Farmers' Market this morning to look at the onesies in question. I was so hoping that a) I didn't know the person who was making them, and b) please don't let them look like mine! Well, she was there and I didn't recognize her. Her stuff is appliqued but in my opnion, not really the same. Although she did have skull t-shirts. What is going on here?!?!?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Elizabeth Terry Jewelry, my favorite!
I like Elizabeth's jewelry because it's actual hand-crafted artisan jewelry. You can tell she has thought about each piece. She uses beautiful semi-precious stones, metal work, or an interesting mixture of leather and metal, not just a bunch of beads strung together or a mold to make the same piece over and over again. I like that she offers a wide range of prices too.
Here are a few of my favorite pieces from her website. You can order directly from this site or she will be busy all over Utah this summer doing markets and festivals. She has a list on her website.

I love love love the necklace in the top left corner. Some day I will own that!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Jeff Beck Photography, my favorite!
My first favorite is my friend Jeff Beck. He is a photographer, hence the name Jeff Beck Photography duh! He has the most beautiful outdoor landscape photographs. Here are just a few of my favorites from his website:

I used the last one, the snowy river for my christmas cards one year and I have several of his framed photos in my living room. Unfortunately his website hasn't been updated for, ahem, a few years but, you can get a feel for his style and I know he has hundreds of beautiful photos that will surely please everyone! Also, I just found out that he will be at the Salt Lake City Farmers' Market in Pioneer Park every Saturday! Now you can go and see up close and personal how great his stuff is.
Friday, May 30, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008
kid tested, mother approved!