Tuesday, September 30, 2008

v.lou textiles new website?

So, I feel like there is something missing. I've been agonizing over this for days. I've made lots of websites for other people so, I don't know what my problem is here. My husband keeps telling me I should have someone else design it because I'm too close to it. He could be right. What do you think about it?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Finally, a live model!

Can you stand how cute he is?!?!?! Neither can I!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Some stuff!

Here are some little clothes that I made for Lizzie's little boy. (So cute I want to chew on his chubby little legs!!!)
The pants are a work in progress. An idea, if you will, working it's way out. I'm using Jonas as my little test subject. I hope to make them a little more "exciting". I have never drafted a pattern for pants before so I want to see them on him and check the fit before I add some embellishments.
Here is a sweatshirt with my bike (original drawing by the way) screen print. Sweatshirts are also on the menu for winter.
I just finished an order for Babinskis and will be delivering it this afternoon. I added a couple of new animals to the mix this time. Go in and check them out!

Monday, September 8, 2008

A day of rest, the calm before the storm?

Now that the summer market season is fast approaching its end, I would like to say that I will, from now on, be posting only pictures like these:

Close inspection of mutant cucumbers growing in my garden or:

Teeny tiny moments of meditation or:

My cat looks like a drunk loaf of bread or:

Yes, I'm obsessed with this animal.

In reality, I WILL be showing more of those types of pictures but, also I will be showing lots of these types of pictures too:

These are the stuffed animals I made for the Salt Lake Avenues Street Fair last weekend. I'm pleased to say that quite a few of them found nice homes.

Yes, the frenzy has died down considerably and I'm hoping to really dive into some projects I have been tinkering with this summer but haven't had a lot of time to perfect due to time constraints with the market. I have ideas for kids sweatshirts and skirts, pants, dresses, pillows and I want to make some more bags for sure. Right now my first priority is to get my shopping cart up and running on my website. So stay tuned. Hopefully this is only the calm before the storm!